Pablo Brooks
Pablo Brooks from Düsseldorf, Germany played over 50 shows in the past two years with his band,
most of them sold out, headlining shows all over Germany, as well as Amsterdam and Antwerp and even a first headline show in London. While his fans are lining up for his shows every night, the press and business are mostly oblivious of the young artist.
His youthful chaos of emotion is wrapped in big, round international pop bangers. Catchy melodies meet narrative storytelling about youth, loss, mental health and queerness, that are so poignantly and unsparingly taken out of the life story of teenagers and twenty somethings, that every night, the entire crowd of people in front of the stage at Pablo’s shows can scream every lyric from top to bottom. And on stage there is the energetic Master of Ceremony Pablo Brooks, jumping, dancing and sweating night after night, relating just as much to these lyrics as the hundreds of young people in the crowd.